Saturday, July 5, 2008

It's about time...

I fancy myself as a film buff, in the same way that the under 26 population do,the only thing separating the dabblers from the elite is a few issues of Empire and the odd successor of a David Lynch debate as to what is meant by any one of his morally spiraling silver screen adventures.

At my core I'm an 80's child. Having only been born in 1987 I can't say I was fully submerged in the neon culture this era is so widely known for, but I keep some of it's values dear. One of those being it's shining history in pop culture and the movies.

In a roundabout way I like to think that my influences however wide have all crept from the same basement and help to shape the person I am today. It would be absurd to think that films such as Predator,Hard Target,Apocalypse Now and the Breakfast Club have guided me into my career choice as a possible soldier, but needless to say a slight nudge has been felt and reacted to.

Fight Club.

I needed to start a fight, and lose.

This is futile, I needed to first provoke aggression and then withstand it's impact however big or small my adversary. I went small....

There wasn't too many options and at the time the only person in my way was a little bit on the starving side of featherweight. I pushed a little but not a lot. The circumstances are irrelevant but he wasn't expecting it to say the least. He reacted like anyone would by lashing out. Swinging wildly to try and land a punch on my soup bowl jaw, he did hit home twice. Thankfully, my genetics,however unpretty, are resilient enough to absorb any right hook I've been given throughout the years,of which there have been several. I didn't strike back,instead I opted for a choke out, which would have worked in my favor had 5 or 6 of his friends not decided to join in the fun. I was clearly outnumbered and backed into a bad position. I left go and we were separated. One thing I noticed at this point. I had no anger in me. My heart wasn't putting in any overtime,my muscles weren't twitching or at least prepared for what I was stirring up, but I figured half the battle was complete so I might as well venture on and see what happened.

The cops arrived. And before it had time to kick off it was over. He said his bit, I said mine, and that was that. I like the experience and I should probably rack up a few more before starting with the army. I heard it's a good idea to get your ass kicked a few times and know what it's like to lose to a lesser opponent. This doesnt need to go so far as to you actually being heavily damaged from your circuitous method of self conditioning. But at least your mind will accept punishment from sources that are otherwise dissimilar to what your usually surrounded by.

I'll keep this blog for future situations that will crop up over the coming weeks.

Fear Naught